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Parent to Parent of Colorado (P2P): P2P is a parent initiated and controlled organization which may be a valuable tool for parents of children with disabilities to find support services and information that will allow their children to become valuable members of society.  There are a number of supports including one to one parent matches and links to parents throughout the state.  Parents can also sign up for a quarterly newsletter.

Website: or Phone: 1-877-472-7201


The Arc Colorado: The Arc Colorado is dedicated to offering advocacy services for individuals with disabilities in the community in order to “create the conditions under which all people with developmental disabilities experience opportunities to develop competency and to make choices, to have good relationships with family members and friends, to have respect and dignity, and to be full participants in all community living”

Phone: 1-800-333-7690 Website:


Special Kids Special Families: This is a non-profit organization based out of Colorado Springs.  Services are provided 24 hours a day to families raising youth with disabilities.  This provider offers specialized respite care, foster care, family preservation services, day care, and an adult day program.


Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition (CCDC): The CCDC is a statewide coalition dedicated to serving individuals with all types of disabilities.  The site offers numerous resources for support services as well as information relating to the newest legislation and laws regarding the rights of individuals with disabilities.

Phone: 303-839-1775 Website:


The Colorado Coalition of Adoptive Families: There are a variety of services designed to assist families of children with disabilities who have been adopted.  The main focus offered by this site is that of early intervention services, supports, and groups as well as training and seminars.

Phone: 303-620-5150  Website:


Early Childhood Connections (ECC): The ECC offers services for families with children under three years of age, service providers, and system partners.  On this site you will find also valuable tools for early intervention services eligibility requirements for services.

Phone: 1-888-777-4041 Website:


LD Online: This website has a vast array of resources that are categorized specifically for educators, families, and individuals with disabilities.  There are forums for discussion, newsletters, calendar of events.  There are also frequent updates of articles related to individuals with disabilities.


El Grupo Vida: This organization was created for Spanish speaking families with children of special needs.  If offers information and supports for Spanish speaking parents as well as conference and event notifications.

Phone: 303-904-6073 Website:


Family Voices: The Colorado chapter is part of a national grassroots organization that is created by and for families of children with special healthcare needs.  There is information on a variety of healthcare needs and systems.

Phone: 1-800-881-8272 Website:


PEAK Parent Center: Colorado’s Parent Training and Information Center: The PEAK Parent center is dedicated to providing information, training, and technical assistance to families of children with disabilities from birth to twenty six years of age.  Families will receive information and support to advocate for their children.  On the site families can also find information about conferences and mentoring.

Phone: 1-800-284-0251 Website:


PEP: Parents Encouraging Parents: This site is designed to offer information about family centered conferences that are designed to offer support, information, and education to parents and professionals.   The conferences are available to Colorado residents who have a child with a disability from birth to twenty one years of age.  It is also a valuable resource for administrators, educational staff, and other service providers

Phone: 303-866-6846 


T4T: Training for Transition: Works in partnership with Easter Seals of Colorado and is funded by the Colorado Department of Education.  This organization is designed to offer families and individuals with disabilities the opportunity to learn about skills and services that may be valuable as they transition from school to adult life.  The conference occurs five or six times yearly at various locations around the state of Colorado

Phone: 303-233-1666 x237 


The Legal Center for People with Disabilities and Older People: This is a resource designed to help individual with disabilities live independent and productive lives by assisting individuals with a variety of legal issues, especially; civil rights, and discrimination.  The service assists a variety of individuals including individuals with mental and physical disabilities, people with HIV, and older people throughout Colorado. This organization may also be valuable to administrators, teachers, and service providers.

Phone: 1-800-288-1376 Website:


Wrightslaw: Is designed to allow parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys to find accurate, reliable information about special education law.  The site also has valuable resources about advocacy and general education law.  This site offers thousands of articles, cases, and free resources from a variety of topics


College Resources for Students with Disabilities
Prospective college students with disabilities will find that many campuses are equipped with offices and services that address accessibility, accommodation, and assistive technology for a diverse range of needs. Student services offices and disability coordinators at many colleges work to make campuses inclusive environments through specialized advocacy, support, and academic services.

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