apply today!
The Joe Todd Annual Service Award is named in honor of Joe Todd, a longtime Colorado special educator, who went beyond the daily requirements of teaching to meet the needs of students with exceptional needs. The Colorado Council for Exceptional Children grants an award to a professional or paraprofessional who has contributed outstanding service to the field of education for exceptional children in Colorado. Those whose services have extended beyond expectations will be given preference. The quality and scope of service will be of primary consideration.
Click here for the application.
The Student Achievement Award Colorado Council for Exceptional Children wishes to: 1) acknowledge the achievements of children and youth with disabilities, 2) overcome barriers caused by public misconceptions, 3) encourage children and youth with disabilities to seek their highest potential, and 4) increase public awareness of the abilities, aspirations, and personal qualities of children and youth with disabilities. Nominees for the Student Achievement Award will be recognized in one of the following categories: Community Service, Extra-Curricular Activities, Independent Living Skills, Employment, Arts, Technology, Athletics, Self Advocacy and Academics. You are invited to nominate candidates for these awards. Click here for the application.
The Colorado Council for Exceptional Children Teacher of the Year Award. This award was established in 1992 by the Colorado Council for Exceptional Children’s Executive Board to recognize an outstanding teacher of children/youth with exceptional needs. The recipient of this award may be nominated for the International CEC’s Clarissa Hug Teacher of the Year Award!
Click here for the application.
Sy Wallach Award Direct Services Project Award. The Colorado Council for Exceptional Children sponsors one special award of $600.00 for a project providing services to individuals with exceptional needs. This award may be used to create new projects or to enhance existing projects or programs for individuals with special needs. Some past projects have included a coffee cart in a school’s hallway for service before school; take-home reading backpacks; parent education/family activity nights. Persons interested in applying for this award may apply individually or as a team.
Click here for the application.
Colorado Council for Exceptional Children for Undergraduate or Graduate Study. The Colorado Council for Exceptional Children sponsors a $500.00 Special Education Scholarship for Undergraduate or Graduate Study.
Click here for the application.
Additional Scholarships Available:
Scholarships from the Organization for Autism Research (OAR) that assist individuals with Asperger Syndrome or autism who are pursuing post-secondary education. There are five different awards amounting to $3,000 each. The three award categories are for students attending a four-year college, students attending a two-year college, and students attending a trade, technical, or vocational school. (703)243-9710.
Ask for what you need to fund your classroom projects at DonorsChoose. Do you have a project idea, but no hope of getting it funded because of tight budgets? Just write a one page essay describing the activity or program your students need and the exact resources required. Your project will be screened to see if it meets the eligibility requirements. If it does, it will be posted on the website. Potential donors can then choose a project for funding. DonorsChoose wishes to tap your knowledge of what is really needed. The website allows ordinary people with small amounts of money to help you. Deadline: Teachers can apply throughout the year.
Awards are presented to 6 Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic (RFB&D) members who are high school seniors with learning disabilities, in recognition of extraordinary leadership, scholarship, enterprise and service to others. Must have a specific learning disability (visual impairment alone does not indicate eligibility), overall grade average of B or above for grades 10 through 12 and plan to continue formal education. Financial data: $2,000-$6,000.
The National Federation of the Blind will give 30 college scholarships to the nation’s top blind students in its NFB Scholarship Program during NFB annual convention next year. These awards include the $12,000 Kenneth Jernigan Scholarship; 1 Scholarship for $10,000; 2 Scholarships for $7,000 each; 4 Scholarships for $5,000 each; and 22 Scholarships for $3,000 each. Each winner will be brought to the NFB annual convention next July at Federation expense and will receive other useful gifts. Please help me alert college-bound blind students in your community (along with their teachers and parents) to the availability of these 30 scholarships.